big news^^


yeay…another reunion in September this year^^ can’t wait any longer…

i’ve waited for this for a longgggggg time….^^

artisan du chocolate

hihi, pengen deh punya toko coklat gituuu…yg isinya coklat2 yg gw sukaaa semua…trus kalo bisa jualin coklat2 dari sluruh duniaaaa jg hueheheh…

selaen itu, ada coklat yg gw bikin sendiriii jg…praline, truffle, dan teman2nya… πŸ˜€

nah, desain interior toko gw ntar jg mesti keren abiss..kaya’ di gambar sebelahh tuuu..

harus disediain meja kursi bwt pelanggannya jg biar mereka bisa langsung nikmatin coklatnyaa…tentunya ditemani dengan varian minuman coklattt jugaaaa hohoho…

apalagi yah…o iya…harus ada choco fondue jg donkkkkk…yg dateng bisa milih mo “nyelupin” apa ajaaa…

hmm..apalagi ya..ntar pengen jual es krim jg..kaya’ cold stone gt..jadi yg beli bisa milih coklat2 yg gw jual sbg mix-ins nya huahahha…

duh duh..sekian dulu angan2 dari saya…doain bisa terwujud yaaa…aminnnn πŸ˜€ as an auditor is not that sucks πŸ˜€

i’m starting to love my work life anyway πŸ˜€

as an auditor, i already got so many chances to visit a great place that i never think i could visit before (and i will) πŸ˜€ besides, i met so many g.r.e.a.t n c.r.a.z.y friends here…haha πŸ˜€

yeah..most of them are not in the same division with me (me in system and process assurance and they are in financial assurance)..well..i met them through the induction program.. πŸ˜€

so anytime i feel bored or need some “free” entertainment, i just need to go downstair to catch up with the latest “gossip” πŸ˜›

i listen to this song lately, song called “cosy in the rocket“, theme song of “grey’s anatomy” πŸ˜€

for the first time, i thought it was “imogen heap” or “frou frou”. and it really sounds like “headlock” by imogen heap. the vocal and music are quite similar, esp. the intro. but after doing some browsing, i found that it’s a song of “psapp” (pronounced “sap”), duo from england. and i also luv to hear “in my head”, also by psapp.

Climb, climb into the rocket

And we set the fuse to go, go go

Head start, cosy in the rocket

And I need to go, go, go,go

Tip top ready for the sky

And I’m tip top ready to go

Tip top ready for the sky

And I’m tip top ready to go,go,go

Come, come, fly into my palm

And collapse

Oh oh, suppose you’ll never know

Nobody knows where they might end up

Nobody knows

Nobody knows where they might wake up

Nobody knows

Nobody knows where they might end up

Nobody knows

Nobody knows where they might wake up

Nobody knows

Tick tack toe, you’re fitting into place

And now the old ways don’t seem true

Stick stop blue you’re only shifting I

In the same old shape you always do

Tip top ready for the rocket

And I’m tip top ready to go

Tip top ready for the sky

And I’m tip top ready to go, go go

Come, come, fly into my palm

And collapse

Oh oh, suppose you’ll never know

Come, come, fly into my palm

And collapse

Oh oh, suppose you’ll never know

women rule!


awalnya tau ada artikel ini dr si nova πŸ˜€ trus pas baca CC baru, ternyata ngebahas hal yg sama jg. hihi, bole jg niy di-share πŸ˜€

pernah kebayang ga si ada “kota khusus cewe”? atau at least pernah ga si yg cewe2 ngayal gt (krn saking sebelnya ni sama makhluk yg namanya “cowo” πŸ˜› ), pengen punya area sendiri dmana lo yg jd “the rule maker”? what fun!

hehe, ternyata khayalan cewe2 ini bentar lg bisa twujud krn di distrik Chongqing, China, bakal segera dibangun “kota perempuan” pertama di dunia, yg tujuan utamanya si utk menarik wisatawan.

jadi, di kota ini semua aturan & hukum dibuat utk kepentingan perempuan πŸ˜€ klo ada laki-laki yg melanggar akan langsung dihukum, mulai dr disuruh berlutut minta maaf, sampe disuruh cuci piring πŸ™‚ ~ahhh..ada2 saja hukumannya yak πŸ˜›

trus salah satu aturan yg diterapin yaitu “setiap perempuan ga pernah salah dan laki-laki ga boleh menolak perintah perempuan”… hohohoho… πŸ˜€ ~boleh juga ni ;D

tapi..apa komentar kaum cowo ya? hmmmm…

source: kompas, cita cinta.

ps. yeah..maybe this “woman city” is a fabulous place for having fun πŸ˜€ but..what women need indeed are more opportunity to raise their voices & get more chance to play a significant part in ruling the country (hehe, just cited what the women commission always “gebu2kan” :D).

however, what i need as an individual is “men never underestimate women…before they have seen the “real” capability of women”. and for women, haha..i think the greatest barrier in becoming a good leader is “manage the emotions” πŸ˜€ ~still work on it though πŸ˜›

my PaloozaHead


metau website ini ga? Paloozahead


website ini dibikin bwt promosi Lollapalooza 2007, acara musik 3 days + 9 stages + 130 bands, di Chicago Grant Park (August 3-5, 2007). dan tau g bakal ada siapaaaa…muse, pearl jam, snow patrol, daft punk, dan sodara2nya… πŸ˜€ yg serunya ni yaaa, di PaloozaHead ini lo bisa bikin “performer” imajinatif gt..bisa pake wajah “org”..wajah performer Lollapalooza yg beneran…bahkan bisa pake wajah lo sendiri πŸ˜€ liat d ini! πŸ˜€


hihihi…kocak bgt d ini…ayo2 bikin!!! dun forget 2 show me ur PaloozaHead!!! gimme ur link, okay? πŸ˜€


Create Your Own PaloozaHeadVisit

DDR PadGeeksugar features Wired Magazine’s chart substituting traditional workouts for video games. Did you know you can do 1.5 hours of weight lifting and burn 842 calories, or play 1 hour of Dance Dance Revolution and burn 900 calories.


read more | digg story


me: hihihi, gw pny tu ddr pad ps1 πŸ˜€


pas zaman sma doloo, rmh gw suka ditongkrongin gt bwt jd tempat maen ddr & our fav song was “butterfly” …norak abisss d πŸ˜€


trus trus, smenjak adek gw maenin ps2, jdnya si ps1 gw boyong aja k kos2an ama si ddr pad-nya itu…(rencananya siy mo sok2an “burning calories” w/ ddr πŸ˜› )…alhasil…gagal!!! huehehehe…blom dsentuh2 aja lho ampe skrg πŸ˜€


tp gara2 artikel di atas jd inget lageee d πŸ˜€ scr skrg jrg bgt olahraga, boleh jg ni si ddr dimaenkan kmbali!!! huahahah…

bikehmm hmm…br aja bc artikel di fabsugar ttg “bike to work week”…


jd..di us sana lg ada event yg dipromosikan olh “League of American Bicyclist“, e.g. Bike-to-Work Week dari 14-18 Mei n Bike-to-Work Day, Jumat, 18 Mei πŸ˜€ event ini buat ngajak msy utk bersepeda k tmp kerja mrk instead of make kendaraan bmotor.


dan gara2 itu ngomongin soal sepeda, jd inget pas “muda” dolooo gt πŸ˜€ di jepang, sepeda justru jd moda transportasi pilihan lho, bahkan di kota2 besarnya. kmanapun mata memandang (yaelah..bahasanya πŸ˜› ), kita bisa liat org2 pd naik sepeda bseliweran..ada yg pake sragam skolah, pake jas, etc etc πŸ˜€ yup…g kbayang kan pake pakaian rapih atau berjas gt naik sepeda? πŸ˜‰ (ya g kbayanglah scr di indo sndiri, sepeda umumnya dimiliki penduduk yg blm mampu beli kendaraan yg lbh mahal atau olh org2 yg emang beli sepeda bwt sarana olahraga. ya..bisa dibilang, sepeda blm jd pilihan msy indo utk dijadiin moda transportasi sehari2)


d jpg, walaupun rata2 tiap kluarga pny mobil, mrk make mobil biasanya pas weekend doang. dan di hari2 biasa, utk k tempat kerja ataupun k skolahan, mrk memanfaatkan transportasi umum, spt: densha (aka. KA), chikatetsu (aka. subway), basu (aka. bis), & tentunya jitensha alias sepeda πŸ˜€ slaen krn alasan penghematan, mrk melakukan ini sbg salah satu bentuk tindakan peduli lingkungan, ngurangin jumlah polusi (udara, suara) yg dihasilkan kendaraan bmotor.


di jpg atau di us atau di belanda ataupun di negara lain yg banyak pengguna sepedanya, kmana2 naik sepeda bisa jadi kegiatan yg fun krn emang dah tersedia jalur khusus untuk sepeda πŸ˜€ nah, gimana dgn indonesia? atau jakarta lah scr khusus?


utk saat ini siy jelas blm memungkinkan ya..scr blm ada jalur khusus sepeda itu kan. hehe, ga kebayang aja…naik sepeda ke Sudirman atau Kuningan getooo…bisa2 abis dilindes mobil atau disrempet motor πŸ˜› tapi dari hasil browsing2 barusan, tnyata Pemprov DKI udah punya inisiatif untuk bangun jalur sepeda percontohan di Jl MH Thamrin dan Jl Sudirman lho (source: media indonesia online).


ya..setidaknya pemerintah pny pmikiran mnuju ksana. gw pribadi siy sangat sangat sangat bharap itu bisa twujud πŸ˜€ pengen sepeda2an lageeee…ahhhh…

panda-zdo u know this anime character? well…panda-z (γƒ‘γƒ³γƒ€γƒΌγ‚Όγƒƒγƒˆ) is one of my fav πŸ˜€


ptama kali tau ada karakter ini siy pas lg jalan di plangi..trus liat ada booth yg jual brg2 lucu2 getoo..n gw nemu HP strapnya si panda-z iniiii.. πŸ˜€ sayang dah ilanggg.. 😦


nah..pas mg lalu ke Gelar Jepang di PSJ ama si jukie..nemu keychain panda-z yg kren gt..trus kita beli d jdnya..ya, juk? πŸ˜€


Panda-Z is one of the unique anime characters from the popular Japanese TV animation series, The Robonimation, founded and produced by Shuichi Oshida. The hero of the story is a panda called Pantaron, who is half panda and half robot. Pantaron’s quest is to over through the evil emperor, called Warunimaru, who is plotting to conquer the world.


The hero Pantaron, comes across an underground laboratory where the Panda-Z has been secretly constructed. The Panda-Z is a giant high powered combat robot animal, which is equipped with the super P-Z engine and amazing super alloy armoury. The Panda-Z robot can withstand massive amounts of shock, and has the ability to fly and give off large rocket punches to enemy forces. The technology used for Panda-Z is unknown to the rest of the world, and fortunately for Pantaron it can only be controlled fully by him.


source: tokyocube