i’m micah sanders


haha..knew this test from her blog.


Your Score: Micah Sanders
You scored 66 Idealism, 33 Nonconformity, 41 Nerdiness


“Can we play Scrabble tonight?”


Congratulations, you’re Micah Sanders! You’re good-natured, intelligent, perceptive, and naturally inclined toward technology. You’re also quite innocent and loving. You’ve got a fondness for computers and Scrabble.


Your best quality: You’re extremely perceptive
Your worst quality: You can be a little demanding at time

Link: The Heroes Personality Test written by freedomdegrees on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

11 Responses to “i’m micah sanders”

  1. 1 direz

    hih, Your worst quality: You can be a little demanding at time, hehe :p

  2. 2 rusmi

    innocent? masa sih??????

  3. 3 lu-c

    #Direz: hehe..rasakan lah, pak πŸ˜›

    #Rusmi: ih..iya dunk mi..gw tu innocent abizz πŸ˜€ lo karakter heroesnya siapa, say?

  4. 4 rusmi

    gw dapet yang polisi ndut itu loh
    namanya matt kan? klo gak salah yah?
    gw agak lupa2 gitu
    my best quality: HEART
    bener banget gak sih???? πŸ˜‰

  5. 5 lu-c

    hoho..si matt parkman.. πŸ˜€

    hah? ur best quality: heart? hihihi… kaga’ ada bener2nya tu..tipuuuu..coba lo ulang lg d tesnya, mi πŸ˜›

  6. 6 Mita

    wah wah Lus, gw sama dong sama Rusmi. si Matt Parkman. I mean, I love Matt. I love the character. But definitely this best/worst quality doesnt make sense. Best quality nya sih mending. tapi worst quality: you may take more abuse than you deserve. apaa coba. hahaha. that-is-definitely-not-my-worst-quality.

  7. 7 lu-c

    wakakakak..mitz..apa tu maksudnya..”you may take more abuse than you deserve” πŸ˜€ aneh aneh aja tu emang hahaha…

  8. 8 rabz

    gw jg dapet Matt Parkman.. kok banyak banget ya yg samaan?
    Hmm, mungkinkah itu artinya senang menderita? heheh..
    tapi gw ga gitu ko.. aneh beut

  9. 9 lu-c

    hohooho matt jg lo, ya? πŸ˜› hahahah senang menderita sekali tampaknya teman2 gw inih..huehehe..

  10. 10 poyay

    gw juga pas awal tes dapet si Matt,tapi masa skrg gw tes lagi tiba2 gw jadi Micah πŸ˜€

  11. 11 lu-c

    heuehhe..dan lo prefer micah lah yawww πŸ˜€

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